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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SGN0146
Title High Volume Gas Escapes Toolbox - Stage 2
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2019
End Date 01 April 2020
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £456,019
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SGN0146
Objectives This project aims to provide a solution which can quickly and effectively repair a leaking pipe at the leaks source. This project will therefore seek to identify and develop several solutions and develop the prototyped options for responding to high volume gas escapes for up to 2.0 bar systems.In Stage 2 the selected concepts will be taken and developed further, carrying out the critical engineering design and development to create the first-generation tooling. This stage will deliver detailed prototypes of the tools with associated methodologies, confirming the individual technologies most suited to different HVGE situations. This work will also include confirming the qualification route to field use. As part of the work in Stage 2, a high-pressure high-flow test rig will be designed and manufactured. This will be valuable for the development of the tooling by enabling testing to be carried out in realistic environments. It is also expected that systems like this will be eventually used in training for use of the tooling in the field. In Stage 2 the selected concepts will be taken and developed further, carrying out the critical engineering design and development to create the first-generation tooling. Key to the success of this Project will be the formation of a “Working Group”, consisting of 5-8 core SGN staff taken from Policy and Operations teams. This group will provide informal and formal feedback and input throughout the project progression. The scope of this work will incorporate five phases: Working group set up Tool design Tool development generation Shop testing Technical qualification / accreditation The specific objectives for this project are:1. 3 test rigsAs HVGE are emergency situations, it is not possible to carry out planned field trials of the tools. Therefore, test rigs will play a significant role in the development and validation of the tools. A high-flow rig for conveyance and entrainment tests and a high-pressure rig for sealing tests were developed in Stage 1. These will be supplemented with a high-force deployment rig (potentially using water and / or gas), to enable the concepts to be tested in a realistic HVGE scenario where continual high leak exit forces are present, especially at higher pressures. The high-force deployment rig can be used subsequently for training purposes to expose end users to the experience of HVGE (the feel and sound) safely in a controlled environment. This will also give confidence to the end users when operating the developed concepts. 2. Up to 7 individual tools contained within ToolboxThe key objective for this Stage is to refine the concepts and to produce tested prototype versions of the tools. Eventually these will be used by SGN in conjunction with existing technologies to respond to HVGE events.3. Outline Operational Procedures Outline Operational Procedures will be developed for each of the prototypes. This will be carried out with support from the “Working Group” to ensure that they are most appropriate for the field use of the tools, and that any issues are highlighted as soon as is practical. This ensures that Operations is involved and assisted determining the optimum use of each of the tools4. Outline Potential Route to Technical Qualification The route to qualification / accreditation of each of the tools will be required to be fully understood by the end of Stage 2. The “Working Group” will support Steer in developing a plan to achieve Technical Qualification (and therefore field use). This plan will be actioned during Stage 3.5. Full reporting and witness testing Creating confidence in the tools within the field teams will be key to field deployment. Witness Testing and appropriate communication throughout the project with a set of key field individuals (“Working Group”) will provide this. Reporting will be carried out as standard to allow Innovation to properly monitor the progress and outcomes of the work.
Abstract SGN currently deals with high volume gas escapes through applying one of a range of temporary solutions, which avoids contact with the pipe or intervention on the leak by Gas Operatives, as capturing the gas in a confined area (e.g. in the pit) increases the risk from explosions. Such gas escapes also have the potential to provide significant disruption in supply to customers.. In effect, there are 3 issues that need responding to: Removing risk of explosion/injury to the public and operatives. Loss of gas. Ensuring continuation of supply to customer.The aim of this project is to produce a range of options across several technology readiness levels (TRL) which will form the toolbox of the projects name. This will enable SGN personnel to select a specific tool and dependent on the type of leak encountered use a procedure for its resolution. In Stage 1 these options were evaluated and by undertaking a wide technology review with a firm basis in the operational environment. Stage 1 also included a validation exercise where staff from SGN provided valuable feedback. This allowed for fast-tracking of selected options for further development in Stage 2.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 09/11/22